Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Come on US Auto...I'm clapping

Eric Roseman has a descent article about the coming demise of the US auto industry...check it out...but I have faith in the old boys.  In some versions of Peter Pan, Tinkerbell drinks poison to save Peter from Captain Hook's trickeration.  Peter then explains that Tink is actually dying because not enough people believe in fairies...then he implores the audience that if they show their belief and clap, Tinkerbell will come back to life.  In the spirit of Tinkerbell, I'm just going to keep clapping and hope for the best for US auto.  At this point, it may be the best idea someone has had.

[caption id="attachment_256" align="alignnone" width="131" caption="They just need a little fairy dust...and of course, happy thoughts"]They just need a little fairy dust...and of course, happy thoughts[/caption]


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