Saturday, September 20, 2008

Let's Play Dress Up

This past Saturday night (after Florida walloped Tennessee) we had an awesome costume party.  The theme was G.I. Joes and Barbie Hos.  Officially the party was for Orietta's birthday and LFM represented well.  I am not very good about reading my emails thoroughly so I did not find out that it was a costume party until a couple of hours before it the wife and I were scrambling.  I went as Snake-Eyes.

Here is what Wikipedia has to go say about Snake-Eyes:

"Snake-Eyes is the code name of a member of the G.I. Joe team. Much of his history and information, including his real name, place of birth, as well as most everything else about him, have remained classified throughout all depictions of his origin. All that is known for certain about his military standing is that he holds the rank of U.S. Army Sergeant First Class (E-7) and has undergone Drill Instructor training. He is also the team's resident hand-to-hand combat instructor. Very little else about his past has been revealed."

Basically...I went as a bad ass.

Here is my outfit (keep in mind I had an hour to throw it together):  Basic blank pants, black shoes (I wish I had boots!), a long sleeve black t-shirt turned inside out, a black undershirts tied on my head as a ninja mask (see this you-tube clip to understand what I am talking about), black gloves, my ski-goggles, and two guitar hero straps for my military suspenders.

Weapons: I created a knife out of duct tape and cardboard (I have real knives but I did not want to carry them on the T dressed as I was) and I rocked dual Hasbro Nerf N-Strike Maverick Blaster plus additional ammo.

As for the wife, she went as Barbie stewardess.  Again, given the limited time I think she did quite well.  She had a tray with drinks (she made tips running beer out to everyone and paid for our cab ride home!), snacks, and barf bags.

All-in-all a good night as seen by the additional photos below.  All photos were stolen from Becca.  Check out her blog!

[caption id="attachment_146" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Lets say this is Duke and obviously I am Snake-Eyes"]Lets say Duke and Snake-Eyes[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_148" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Snake-Eyes and Barbie (she provided the photos, thank her)"]Snake-Eyes and Barbie (she provided the photos, thank her)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_149" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="The hosts, Erin and Orietta"]The hosts, Erin and Orietta[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_150" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="I don't know if it counts as dress up if you were in the military"]I dont know if it counts as dress up if you were in the military[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_151" align="alignnone" width="112" caption="Barbie Stewardess"]Barbie Stewardess[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_152" align="alignnone" width="112" caption="In case you were wondering, the Navy GI Joe was called Shipwreck"]In case you were wondering, the Navy GI Joe was called Shipwreck[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_153" align="alignnone" width="112" caption="I think the German was protesting GI Joe. The whole WWII thing. Disturbing either way."]I think the German was protesting GI Joe.  Disturbing either way.[/caption]


  1. You actually made money at a costume party, too funny. I love the Snake Eye's research and the killer weaponry. And your costume is dead on. I imagine you walked into the room and everybody all at once yelled "Snake Eyes"!

    Funny post.

  2. Dressing up is such a fun ^_^

  3. The Nerf-Gun is great, i have the same one.

  4. That nerf gun is cool but not quite as good as mine!

  5. That is a fun,you all looking cool in your costumes ,,big up for ya !!!! guys

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